Vintage chicago gay bars 1980s

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It's fun to dress to impress at this club in River North where you’ll move to beats dropped by a roster of internationally-known DJ’s. Everything old is new again as Disco which recreates the age of Studio 54, Le Freak and boogie nights. The Underground is one of Chicago’s favorite places for dancing, drinking and people watching. You may encounter drag queens, exotic dancers, and other interesting characters on the dance floor at this extremely friendly club. Smart Bar in Wrigleyville has been a destination for dance-partiers since 1982 and still holds its own with its au courant DJs while Lakeview’s Berlin harkens back to Belmont Ave’s longtime punk scene and simultaneously connects to the future. Chicago nightlife churns and cooks seven nights a week if you know where to go and sometimes it’s in the basement like The Underground or a space housed on two levels of the historic Flat Iron Building - Debonair Social Club. House music was born in Chicago when a new club called The Warehouse emerged from the near Westside in 1977. The Warehouse is one for the Chicago entertainment history books but the beats are pounding at a number of dance clubs around town.

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